What To Do!

Well - it is one of the Watersports Centres of Europe.

So - check out the water, and the wind, and the beaches and the beach bunnies!

The water is fine if a little cold first thing in the morning, as Eric will have blown all the warm water out to sea, so it's better to wait a bit before taking the plunge!
Shirley says - how come this one isn't under "Beach Bunnies"? Ouch.
Ooooh! Its Cold!
Cephallonia Here I come! At this time of day Eric is just waiting round the bend, ready to let rip, so this guy is warming up ready for the real thing!
This chap was here to see if he could set a world speed record with his Hobie cat, alongside the pro windsurfers - as the satellite/laser timing equipment was set up and ready to go. So although Eric played cat and mouse for the week, he finally got enough blow to go! And got the record. Fly That Cat!
Beach Bunny! Well - I had to include one - although I have to say I didn't take this shot!
Meanwhile I was enjoying my favourite pastime! Me doing it right!

Getting There! - Around the Island - What to do - Wildlife - Locals - Food & Drink - Cats - Tavernas - Shopping