PSP Algarve Ride 2001

Daily Tails - DAY 4 - Tuesday 9th - In which we learn a new meaning for the term "Vaseline Moment!" and Portugal's love of riders lunching in the rain.

Awake way before light, but don't feel too bad - I know I've been in the saddle for a bit but so far - ok. Tea-Tree ointment seems to work wonders so continue to apply.

Alex finds a couple of male riders in the kitchen slightly hopping from foot to foot with towels around their waists. Hmm? Could you please leave as we're having a Vaseline moment, as that's their favoured recipe for avoiding blisters on long rides. Or at least that's what they told Alex. Don't doubt it myself.

Jolly good this Caff!

Off to the horsebox for breakfast which goes down nicely on a lovely sunny morning and then off to polish up Henrietta who demonstrates her deep and abiding affection for me by standing on my foot! Gerber hoofpick is in much demand - glad I brought it!

I had to put this in - me polishing a horse?

Royal Bank of Scotland sponsors this day with t-shirts and Baseball Caps.

Me.Mike, Lisette, Rod, Lottie and Judy at the off.

Tack up - ouch, goes Henrietta so stand up in the stirrups for a bit and soon she's ok. Line up for sponsors photo in bright sunshine then off we go. Rapidly take off the cap as the super-ventilated helmet I bought is doing its job beautifully keeping the old noggin nice and cool.

Mainly up at the top this bit - about 11.00 a.m.

Up we go, and then a bit more up, and just to make us happy, some more up. However it seems that a lot of this up isn't quite what some of the horses were ready for and phone calls begin to be made to suggest the odd one needs a bit of a rest. Meanwhile, to help, Lottie has volunteered to walk a bit. Which as we are about to descend rather along way, is ok, as the rest of also really have to get off and lead our horses down, down etc, etc.

Where the toes lost their skin!

I discover that this has an interesting effect on my left toes. Only on the left ones - the right ones being quite happy with this slow downhill progress. The left ones abandon some skin, leaving me hirpling downhill for quite some while. (For definition of the word hirpling, ask any Glaswegian handy.)

At the bottom we meet a jolly Portuguese family carrying large buckets of grapes. It seemed like a sensible thing for them to be doing in the middle of nowhere, especially near to their Landrover Discovery! "Agua!", "Agua?" is the cry. "Si, Si!" - and we are lead to what appears to be a trickle down a steep incline. Turns out to be lovely water, which two of us at a time can get to. Most horses seem not at all to be convinced, preferring to eat the cane and grass, but Henrietta is obviously thirsty and gives it a good slurp!

By now I've learned that the trick is to also keep ones own personal supply of water to hand. The saddlebags have been abandoned as there aren't sufficient "d" rings to keep them on, and quite frankly they are too heavy. So nice little water bottles are carried down the shirt, and work beautifully, both in cooling the body and balancing various other bits of anatomy.

Shirley's Comment:- mainly - as described by our trainer - his PBT. (Pooh Bear Tummy!)

Waiting for the rest Henrietta decided to show her deep and abiding love (having progressed from mere affection) for me by applying her teeth to my arm! One quick thump later and a contrite Henrietta allows me to get aboard at the fifth attempt. I would like to point out that I can get UP. Henrietta (very sensibly) shoots sideways as I approach and some people I ask to hold the far side stirrup also hop rapidly backwards, so we end up with a mixed trio rotating about her front feet and little progress in the mounting direction!

Lottie meanwhile is informed that the film crew will pick her up and ferry her onwards to the top of the next ridge. Provided she catches them up, that is. Meanwhile, the film crew have set off for the summit, pausing occasionally to film the progress of a horseless rider ploughing determinedly uphill to show what dedication we all have. Finally they pick her up, as we ride by, to Castelao and lunch! Or Castelao and NO LUNCH! Panic sets in in the riders. The horses being watered (thanks to the Film Crew) and grazed so they are quite happy.

Tim and Jeannie waiting for lunch!

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